3rd Junior High School of Chania ERASMUS+KA2/2020 PROJECT Opportunities beyond the classroom https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f-Hq-ICKfJHEUeKPayBWbWK-3XIOtOPm5To8Br1Mmrc/edit Participant schools: 1. SU Sveti Sedmochislenitsi, Targovishte, Bulgaria 2. Colegio Internacional SEK Alboran, Almeria, Spain 3. Istituto di istruzione Superiore P.Carcano, Como, Italy 4. Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog, Cakovec, Croatia 5. Liceul Tehnologic, Costesti, Romania 6. 3rd Junior Highschool of Chania, Crete, Greece About the project Through this project we want students to acquire basic, transversal skills and key competencies for good social inclusion and active participation in democratic life. AIMS The project will enable learners to develop a wide range of transferable skills: research, educational, technical and social such as: -develop students talent and creavitivity -Improving students English skills. independent research; collating and evaluati...